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How to search

How to search:

  • You can carry out different types of search, such as: combine the criteria or search individually, by name or by TIN (several criteria can be included at the same time).
  • If, for example, you need to identify active Portuguese companies that belong to a certain sector of activity and which have a turnover of more than €10 million, you will obtain the following result by combining the different criteria:


  • For each of the criteria, several options are available, depending on the nature of the criterion itself.



Search: examples

Search: examples

Here are some examples of the various search criteria that you can find.

List of results

List of results

After you have carried out a search, you can then view the list of the results obtained according to the criteria you have defined. With regards the example chosen above, you would obtain a result of 115 companies, which you would be able to visualise by clicking on

These lists can be edited, enabling you to visualise the different variables required shown in columns, as well as information on company data, financial information, links, etc. 

List of results: options

List of results: options

In the ‘columns’ section, you can edit the information to be displayed in the list of results. The formats you create can be saved in the session or in a file on your hard drive for retrieval later on.