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ProQuest One Business ENG

Company reports

Company reports

A ProQuest One Business provides more than 200,000 reports from well-known companies. Depending on the company and the series of reports, these reports vary in purpose and length. They can be general, provide detailed financial data, discuss stock market performance, or provide a SWOT analysis, or even combine all of these into a single report.

How to search for company reports

How to search for Company Reports

ProQuest One Business offers over 200,000 company reports. There are two main ways to search for them:

  • Click on ‘'Search for all Company Reports’ at the bottom of the screen, click on the "Companies" image and then select the ‘Company Reports’ tab. Here, you can search for a specific company via the search box and/or select a sector, country, or report editor via the drop-down menus.


  • On the Advanced Search page, select Company Reports on the left-hand side of the screen. You can use the search boxes on this page to search for the reports that best suit your needs. For example, to search for a specific company, you can use the Company search box. Alternatively, you can type the main part of the company name in the first search box and then select ‘Report Title – IT’ from the corresponding dropdown menu.


To limit the search, for example, just to reports containing a SWOT analysis, select the bottom menu that says ‘Report containing’, or can select from this menu another type of report that best suits your needs.

In addition, you can also type, for example, various company names or several products in the first search box and then click on ‘Search’, without the need for any further selection to search for reports containing all these company names.

How to search by company

How to search by Company

If you need to search for information about a company for which ProQuest One Business does not provide reports, or if you want to search for other types of material, such as dissertations, it is useful to search for the company under ‘Search Companies’, in other words, search for the company name – or part of it – in a specific index field.



This can be done in a variety of ways:

  • Type the company name – or part of it – in the search box, and then the system will try to predict the company you are searching for and present you with suggestions below the search box. When you select the company you want, the search will start;
  • Alternatively, go to ‘Advanced Search’, where you have several options, namely:
    • using the ‘Synonyms Directory’, select ‘ProQuest Corporation Directory’. On the next page, search for the company you are looking for, then tick the checkbox next to the appropriate name – you can also select multiple entries – and then click the "Add to search" button;
    • or once you have clicked on 'Add to search', close the Synonyms Dictionary window, and you will see that the name has been added to the search box.